
We believe that it is vital for children have an understanding of the world they live in, including nature, the environment and man-made features and social structures. Through lessons that inspire curiosity and promote exploration of the world, we aim to make geography lessons memorable and engaging so that the children will be able to identify problems and consider solutions. We aim to empower them to help improve the world and protect the environment for the future.

Children use a range of resources to explore the physical and human features of locations in Britain, Europe and the wider world. This includes maps, atlases, photographs, IT and fieldwork. In addition, they create their own maps, using symbols and keys to explain how different features, climates and biomes affect the geography of places they study. Our studies aim to deepen the pupils’ geographical understanding, explaining how features and human processes change over time.

Two key documents set out our curriculum design for geography:

  1. Our geography progression map shows the key knowledge and skills that our children should acquire each year, with a clear sequence of learning that builds year on year, across Key Stage 2.
  2. An overview of the planned topics for each year group across Key Stage 2, including a summary of key learning points.

To immerse our children in learning, we carefully devise topics that enable them to learn explicit geography skills and knowledge whilst making relevant links with other subject areas e.g. reading compatible books in English. By making these connections, we build geographical knowledge/skills and those of other subjects in a sustainable and complementary way. Our planning organisers clearly outline the implementation of geographical concepts within related topics.

We supplement learning in school with a range of trips and visits to provide our children with access to wider resources and facilities, with the aim of deepening their knowledge and skills and furthering their life experience.